Six strategies for investing in a rising interest rate environment – sorted from Absolutely Terrible to My Personal Favorite.
Should I Invest in Bonds When Interest Rates Are Rising?
Given losses in the bond market, should investors reduce the amount invested in bonds – or sell off bonds entirely?
Bogleheads® Live ep. 8: Dr. William J. Bernstein on investing simplicity
Dr. William J. Bernstein talks about how the imperfect portfolio you can stick with is better than the perfect portfolio you can’t.
Bogleheads® Live Ep 5: Christine Benz on correlations & sustainable distributions
Christine Benz answers audience questions on asset correlations and sustainable distribution rates in retirement.
Bogleheads® Live Ep 4: Larry Swedroe on sustainable investing
Larry Swedroe answers questions on sustainable investing.
Are Stable Value Funds Safe?
Stable value funds are generally safe from interest rate risk or stock market panics. However, that comes with additional costs and risks.